Darmstadt, 13.09.2023: Since Sunday, 10.09.2023, the
Darmstadt is presenting the exhibition Animalia. Forays from Los
Angeles to Mumbai. Until 07.01.2024, the relationship between
humans and animals is the focus of a presentation in which are
participating 35 artists from North and South America, India,
Pakistan and Europe.
Symbols of Migrations Installation by Smita Kinkale |
While the devastating exploitation of Planet Earth seems to be
proceeding inexorably, many species of animals are threatened
with extinction and entire ecosystems are disappearing, animals
are more visible than ever in contemporary art. What is the basis
for this newly-awakened study of animals? How is it different
than earlier manifestations? Raising questions of this sort,
Animalia. Forays from Los Angeles to Mumbai investigates our
relationship to animals in all its contradictions and asks what
role art plays therein.
Recent painting by Ratnadeep Gopal Adivrekar Ratnadeep Adivrekar’s works deals with ancient Indian philosophical belief that a part of the whole ‘Brahmanasi’ resides in all living things, which forms the ‘atman’ hence many animals are venerated and dense with symbolism |
Offering a broad, geographically wide-ranging selection of
artistic positions, the exhibition shows how diverse the
approaches to this theme can be. An examination of the field
during our preparations for this exhibition showed that certain
approaches and preferences repeat themselves among the artists.
The course through the exhibition was divided into four chapters
in accordance with several clearly recognizable, major orientations in art involving animals; the sections appear in succession and conform to a dramaturgy of sorts. After the focus of the
initial topic Open Drawers is on taxonomical classification such
as is outstripped by fantasy (Horst Haack) or pursued to the
point of mockery (Mark Dion), voices are raised under Profit,
Profit, Profit in protest against the subjection of animals in
adherence to the laws of the market economy. Following after this
critical realism is the optimistic pragmatism of those who, in an
exemplary manner, engage in Overcoming Borders Between Species.
The final chapter is entitled Living Images and offers
philosophical fare: dream, consciousness, artificial
intelligence, mimesis, language.
Artists and Collectives in the Exibition
Ratnadeep Gopal Adivrekar (India)
Mia Bencun (Nigeria, Germany)
Rolf Bier (Germany)
Ali Cherri (Lebanon, France)
Mark Dion (USA)
Katja Eckert (Germany)
Franca Franz (Germany)
Gerrit Frohne-Brinkmann (Germany)
Andreas Greiner (Germany)
Horst Haack (Germany, France)
Thomas Hawranke & Lasse Scherffig (Germany)
Hörner & Antlfinger, CMUK (Germany)
Katharina Immekus (Germany)
Sanna Kannisto (Finland)
Smita N. Kinkale (India)
Lisa Korpos (USA)
Basir Mahmood (Pakistan, The Netherlands)
NEOZOON (Germany, France)
Olly Williams & Suzi Winstanley (United Kingdom)
Michael Pendry (Germany, United Kingdom)
Arnulf Rainer (Austria)
Stephan Reusse (Germany)
Harold Rubio (Puerto Rico)
Muzzumil Ruheel (Pakistan)
Thomas Sturm (Austria,Germany)
Miriam Tag (Germany)
Diana Thater (USA)
Federico Uribe (Columbia, USA)
Rajesh P. Wankhade (India)
With support from
Kulturfonds Rhein-Main
Sparkasse Darmstadt
Sparkasse Hessen-Thüringen
Entega Stiftung
Collaborative Partners
HIMS Academy
Zoo Vivarium Darmstadt
Alte Fasanerie Hanau
Darmstädter Textwerkstatt
Ehrenamt für Darmstadt
Schuldruckzentrum Darmstadt
Media Partner
The exhibition Animalia. Forays
from Los Angeles to Mumbai at a
Responsible for the contents, planning and realization of the
Dr. León Krempel, Director of the Kunsthalle Darmstadt, curator
in collaboration with Ismail Mukadam, Kurator, HIMS Academy
Title and Duration:
Animalia. Forays from Los Angeles to Mumbai
10.09.2023 - 07.01.2024
Press Photos
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Darmstadt are available at our website:
Press Contact
Kunsthalle Darmstadt
Anna Weingärtner
Tel. +49(0)6151-891184
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