Friday 15 August 2014

”ECHOES IN BLACK” by Satish Wavare


You are cordially invited to Satish Wavare Solo show of drawings preview on 18th Aug 2014...

Gallery No-3,Jehangir Art Gallery
5:30 pm On wards
  Venue- Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai.India.The Show will continue till 24th August 2014,11am-7pm.

(Note : This PRESS RELEASE for all Indian news paper and Media, leading PR Agency  and online social media, please share )

Sunday 10 August 2014

‘Manas Kala’ and ‘Paintings are us’are the two branches of Art house

‘Manas Kala’ and ‘Paintings are us’ are the two branches of Art house. As the connoisseurs of Art, we shoulder the responsibility of inspiring and representing creativity of artists from India. Our motto to promote them instigates from the thought, that they (artists) are the historians of our culture and communities. They nurture origins of culture through visual medium and truly signify Indian civilization.  May we continue in this great work of presenting cultural and traditional heritage of India through Painting Art.

On the onset of Independence Day celebration, from August 16, both the Art Houses- ‘Manas Kala and ‘Paintings are us’ are jointly organizing exhibition cum sale of works by a few well know as well as budding artists, who have splashed the joy, and vibrancy of our cultural heritage on their canvas in figurative or abstract forms. 
Painting by Rimjhim

India is the only unique land which has traditions and customs associated with every element of nature, be it tress, animals or any other geographical feature.. Every element is linked to human life, behavior and survival. Artist G K Laxman has realistic creations that capture Landscapes and Portrait in all medium. In this exhibition he has shown beautiful visual of holy river Ganga during dusk and the rituals that are carried on it. As the devotees perform Ganga Aarti with lamps and let them float on the water the glimmer and shine of river Ganga becomes more exuberant; this is but the physical appearance. But there is more value added to it.   Indians believe that every river is the Goddess and each denotes purity. This staunch belief arises from the fact that India is an agricultural country, water resources play important role in life of people. Rivers are considered sacred as they are the main source of water in India. Religious values are attached to rivers and treated with spiritual importance. Praying and reverence of rivers is a way of showing respect to these natural sources of life support. River are referred to as Mother, which itself means life giver.

As we move on from the association of natural elements with people, and connotation of spiritual value added to them, we see that there is a delightful painting by artist Ramesh Kharat, whose Figurative painting is on display. One can feel the artist’s love to express through lavish use of different shades of colors. The painting has meticulous details signifying deep intensity. The intensity reverberated through the mind and thoughts of the observer and one starts relating emotions and feelings in the painting with his own life. Truly, a painting can be called a successful artwork only when it brings out essence of life on lifeless canvas and make the observer one with the creation. Artists Kharat is successful in invoking this feeling.  

Artist Bala introduces us to meditational aura through his Abstract paintings. Personally he is mesmerized by the Buddha and specializes in relentlessly painting different shades of abstract and the Buddha. The paintings in this exhibition are abstract forms, and very close to meditational mood. Here too we find soft earthy colors perched on the canvas. There is a tranquil and serene feeling in each creation. A constant look at it swipes the viewer in the flow to the point of being immersed in an unknown, mystical zone, where there is peace of mind and calm heart.
Painting by Ramesh Kharat

As mentioned earlier Art is a true representative of culture and traditions. Speaking purely of India we find, nature of people is shaped according to their association with their immediate surrounding and Nature. We can see these influences not only on the behavioral pattern but even the variation in ethnicity. Our Folk art truly represents the ethnic uniqueness. Artist Kapil adores and expresses his love for culture in folk art style. He follows Madhubani style of painting. In this exhibition he displays a graceful, emotive, coy Indian rural lady by using sketching style of pen on paper. This kind of fine line sketching is one of the styles in Madhubani called ‘Kachni’ where delicate fine lines are used instead of many colors. Madhubani style paintings seem divine blessing. The woman here is one of the divine blessings and is a part of many a beautiful creation by Almighty. This aesthetic creation represents tradition in most coveted and art form of India. 

Artists Bhavna’s paintings show us the influence of nature on entire lifestyle of people. She has used the most placid and barren land- the dessert in India and its effect. The arid land makes the faces dry and wrinkled. The tiring heat and difficult mode of survival show on the faces of the people living there. Their faces are totally wrinkled. These wrinkled faces are live books defining and elaborating the Survival of the Fittest concept.  They are most expressive faces. Bhavana captures these expressions in her paintings. She deliberately paints faces in black and white and tops them with colorful turban. Turbans are one of the necessary accessories in dressing. These headgears save people from sandstorm and attack by the thief on these secluded sandy paths.  The black and white faces (representing struggle) and colorful turbans hint us that the dry land of Rajasthan seems to raise colorful hopes of life and survival through (turbans) which have varied vibrant shades. To make it more intense, the artists has used sketching style with medium of pencil and charcoal and acrylic color.

India can be simply praised and admired for its variation in landscapes without associating them with virtues and values. The visual treat of landscapes is presented by artist Jacob. 

Artist Sunny Bhanushali is also presenting his beautiful imagination on canvas with charcoal.  He believes art is elevated to a personal expression that is born within the mind and soul, but comes alive in vivid forms and colours, this is evident in the kind of work he does. Sunny, with his philosophical mind, believes that human race is blinded by the society and their false rules and religious believes. Everybody is limited by the knowledge we have from our past and society. We are handicapped to believe nothing exist beyond our five senses. Every painting of his portrays ETERNAL FREEDOM, Freedom beyond known expressions, freedom beyond rules, religions, society, false beliefs, education etc. It is about true FREEDOM, exploring your true self, dissolved in inner self, eternal peace.

We hope this exhibition will bring you closer to Indian Contemporary art and artists. Truly, the busy life schedule has taken away our leisure time and thoughts of appreciating beauty. But you will surely compensate this loss by having blissful experience while watching this vibrant exhibition by artists G K Laxman, Ramesh Kharat, Sunny Bhanusali, S. Bala, Kapil, Bhavana, Jacob and Sanchit Verma.The show begins on 16th to 22nd continues at Art Gate Gallery Mumbai

Welcome to the show  ‘Freedom of colour...

- Pankaja JK
16th to 22nd August :  opening at 12 pm to 7pm Art Gate Gallery, Churchgate Mumbai
Art Gate Gallery can be contacted at:022 4213 8855
or emailed at

(Note : This PRESS RELEASE for all Indian news paper and Media, leading PR Agency  and online social media, please share )

Thursday 7 August 2014

ग्नोसिस Gnosis : Bhikshu

Artist snap near Dharamshala: Yr 2008
बौद्ध धर्म आणि रचनात्मकता यांत काही साम्य आहे का? होय, असू शकते. बौद्ध धम्म हा स्वतःला ओळखण्याचा, शरीर, आत्म बोध आणि आत्म नियंत्रणावर बुद्द्धीचा ताबा स्थापित करण्यासाठी आहे. रचनात्मकताही  काही अंशी ह्याच पद्धतीचे अनुसरण करते. ह्यात निर्माता, निर्मिती करताना, त्या विषयाच्या मुळाच्या शोधासाठी एकाग्र  चीत्तेने लक्ष केंद्रित करताना चिंतनशील होतो. अशा प्रकारे तो त्या निर्मितीच्या भौतिक देखाव्यावर चिंतनात्मक प्रभावाचे वर्चस्व स्थापित करतो. बौद्ध धर्म आणि रचनात्मकता, आपले खरे आणि गुप्त स्वरूप उलघडतात. 
दोघांतून चेतनेची वृद्धी होते. ध्यान ही एक सोपी प्रक्रिया नाही आहे आणि जेव्हा तुम्ही ध्यानमग्न व्हायला बसता, त्या वेळीच आपले लक्ष आधीपेक्षा जास्त विचलित होते. एकही क्षण तुम्हाला मनाने स्थिर झाल्यासारखे वाटत नाही.  हे असते अप्रत्याशित स्वभावाचे परीक्षण. रचनात्मकता सुद्धा अन्दधुन्दितुन स्थिरता शोधत निश्चलतेणे याच प्रवाहाने वाहत असते. 
New Painting by Umakant Tawde : (image copyright by Artist)

उमाकांत खूप वर्षांपासून बौध्द धम्मच्या संकल्पना आणि बुद्धांच्या प्रतिमांवर पेंटींग करत आहे. ग्नोसिस/ भिकु, हे यातील पुढचे पायदान आहे. ह्या पेंटिंग्स मध्ये त्याने थेट बुद्ध धम्म प्रचारक- 'भिक्षू' रंगविले आहेत. दलाई लामांबरोबरच नवशिक्ये  भिक्षू दाखविले आहेत. आपल्याला ह्या नवाशिख्या भिक्षूंच्या अभिवाक्तींमध्ये कुठेच शांत भाव आणि ध्यानी चित्त दिसत नाही, परंतू चिंतनशील भिक्षू होण्यापूर्वीचा बालिश, खोडकरपणा त्यांच्या हाव-भावातून दिसून येतो. ह्या सहज वृत्तीने त्यांना आपले भौतिक विश्व जाणता येते आणि मग बौध्द धम्माच्या शिकवणीच्या आधाराने त्यांच्यात आत्मजागरूकता विकसित होते. रचनात्मक प्रक्रियाही ह्या नवशिक्या भिकुंप्रमाणेच आहे- आत्मजागरूकता आणि भौतिक व बाह्य भाव आणि भावनांतून निव्रुत्ति. लहान वयातच कठीण ज्ञानाचे भडिमार न करता, त्यांना आपल्या वयाप्रमाणे बागडू देऊन आणि त्या बरोबरच व्यवस्थित रित्या ज्ञान दिल्याने त्यांचा शांत आणि संयमी भिक्षू मध्ये बदल होतो.     

 भिकू होण्यापूर्वीची हि प्रारंभिक अवस्था दाखविण्यासाठी उमाकांत ने रंगबिरंगी पार्श्वभूमी रंगविली आहे, आपल्याला अपेक्षित असल्याप्रमाणे, बौद्ध धर्माशी जोडलेले शांत रंग वापरले नाही. नवशिक्या भिकुंचा भोळसटप व तेज ह्या रंगांतून दुमदुमते. ह्या फोटोग्राफिक शैलीतील पेंटिंग्सची रंगबेरंगी पार्श्वभूमी अमूर्त आहे, कुठल्याही अलंकारिक धुंदीरहित.  

आणि सरतेशेवटी, न वगळता येणारे,  हिम्मत आणि नम्रतेचे प्रतिक दलाई लामा, यांचे पेंटिंग आहे. त्यांच्याप्रमाणे कलाकारामधेही हे दोन्ही गुण असले पाहिजे. हिम्मत- सगळे अडथळे आणि त्रास जे आंतरिक दृष्टी विकसित करण्यात व्यत्यय निर्माण करतात ते त्यागण्याची मनाची तयारी। नम्रता- एक महत्वाचा अध्यात्मिक गुण असला पाहिजे ज्याने चिंता न करता टीका सहन करता येते, जेणेकरून अध्यात्माचे सर्वात उच्चतम स्थरावर पोहचता येते.  

प्रत्येक पेंटिंग अद्वितीय आहे, कारण छबी जरी ओळखीच्या असल्या तरी ते वास्तविकतेचे रूपक आहेत आणि आपल्याला अध्यात्मिक विकासाचा मार्ग  दाखवितात, मग ते भिक्षूंनी निवडलेल्या बौद्ध धर्माच्या मार्गाने असो किंवा सर्जनशीलता असो. मार्ग कठीण आहे, आणि ह्या विकासाचे मुख्य अडथळे आहेत विचारसरणी आणि मनाची चलबिचल. भिक्षूंच्या किंवा कलाकाराच्या आत्मिक जागरुकतेनेच अध्यात्मिक विकास संभाव आहे. हे प्रदर्शन बघण्याजोगे आहे कारण ह्या दृश्यांनी ज्ञानात भर होते. 
New Painting by Umakant Tawde : (image copyright by Artist)

Does Buddhism and creativity have anything in common? May be, Yes. Buddhism is all about exploring self and attaining the power of mind over body, self realization and self- control. Creativity adopts or follows some methods of Buddhism, where in creator becomes meditative as he goes in creating and concentrating on exploring the depth of theme, thus, gaining a meditative hold over the physical appearance of the painting. Both, Buddhism and Creativity, cultivate our real and cryptic nature.

There is rise of ‘Consciousness’ in both. Meditation is not an easy process and when you sit to meditate you have more diversions of thought than ever before; there is not a single moment when you feel stable at soul. It is probing into unpredictable nature. Creativity follows same ebb of finding stability amongst chaos and move with the tranquil flow.

Artist Umakant has been working on the concepts and figures of the Buddha since last many years. Gnosis/ Bhikus is one further step in his creation of thought involving Buddha and Buddhism. . Here he directly paints the representatives of the Buddha- the Monks. Along with Dalai Lama, there are novice monks. We find that these novice monks’ expressions are not serene and meditative but seem to be at the infantile stage of becoming Monks, they have childish innocence on their face. They are allowed to explore their physical world and with the aid of Buddhist preaching they slowly develop self awareness.

Process of creativity is like these novice monks, a process of becoming self aware and breaking free from of influence from others. Without imposing grueling knowledge and letting them be of their age; this natural way of growing and side-by-side acquiring knowledge in a systematic way would turn them into serene and self-controlled Monks.

To show this initial stage of proceeding to be a true monks, Umakant has made use of colorful background and not as expected of Buddhism (and taken for granted) the association of the subtle shades. The innocence and radiance of novice monks is reverberated in these colors. These photographic style representations have characteristic colorful abstract backgrounds, devoid of figurative, mysterious mist.  

Lastly, not to ignore the painting of The Dalai Lama who displays courage and humility. Like him artist should also have both. Courage to discard all that which is troublesome and hurdle in finding inner vision. Humility, a spiritual nature to accept criticism without disquiet and gain highest level of spirituality.  

These paintings are unique in the sense that the images are well-known but they are metaphoric representation of real creativity and shows us that path to spiritual growth; be it by following Buddhism as by Buddhist monks or by being creative person. The path is difficult and main hurdle is mind and soul and development of self awareness. Self awareness by Monks or by artist, would surely lead to spiritual upliftment. The show is worth watching as imparting knowledge through visual means.

- by Pankaja JK 
Show Details:
Venue- Hiriji Art Gallery, 1st Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai.India.Opening on 20 th August 5:30 pm
(Note : This PRESS RELEASE for all Indian news paper and Media, leading PR Agency  and online social media, please share )


Monday 4 August 2014

Since 3 year we all Pune artists Ankita, Rupesh, Pradyumna, Swapnil are coming together.

Since 3 year we all artists Ankita, Rupesh, Pradyumna, Swapnil are coming together. We started questioning our paintings. We started thinking what is painting? Are we present in our painting? If yes then for how long? or Do we just waste time on thinking? We went on thinking on these questions ,doubts but at some point we couldn’t handle those doubts and questions we all were confused that how to find ourselves.


One day we met for a tea at small Dhaba and impressed by natures beauty decided to take a camp in presence of natures purity; so we arranged3 days camp at a farmhouse in Khed(june 2012).our intention behind attending camp was to find ourselves.

Then we came to know, there is no perfect time to Draw or to paint. It starts when we draw or paint. We painted in dark, no light at all, Without looking at canvas we painted it , we painted it without knowing the results, and the results turned out to be really happening. We observed what is happening in painting while it is in progress. We learnt not to waste time in thinking before painting .we should just start, we can think on it after it is complete or still in progress. Most important thing was to observe journey of our painting. It is important to know when the painting is complete, to know where to stop with him. We learnt what all can happen over a space, with range of possibilities in it. We also did installation using manmade and natural things. We also, purposely destroyed our installation to take it into a depth.
Painting by Pradyyumna Jivane

From here we started our journey to ourselves. Each one of us started thinking and observing our works .Each week we met to discuss over our paintings. We indivisually spoke about our works one by one, what exactly is happening in it, what we want to show etc. Because of this we learnt to speak on paintings .now we could answer questions made by people .We did a small display at studio 5 at FTII(30-31 october 2012) to take guidance from Prabhakar Kolte sir. They gave time to each one of us and guided us brought our works.

During the journey towards ourselves we started study of different monuments of art, we studied art history.we studied how art changed from renaissance to 21st century art. On basis of this study we did another camp in Donje place near Pune (December 2012), where we tried to paint in various style like impressionism, fauvism, cubism ,Dadaism, abstract expressionism etc. we all studied characteristics of each style and tried to paint in their style. Main intention was to know what was motive behind paintings, their thought. We wanted to reach people, we wanted to share our experiences, we were keen to know what people think about painting, so we made an attempt to put up an exhibition at SNDT Hall(March 2013). We invited people from every field for the show to know their view towards painting.
Painting by Ankita Aswale

We continued doing all our activities, works and meetings now we are again exhibiting our paintings. Out intentions is that our painting reaches to everyone; that art is not limited to artist or art lovers it is for everyone.

Ankita Aswale
My painting for me is journey towards myself. I and my sensitivity walk hand in hand to reach towards me and my painting. My painting are essence of my life and I am only a medium.

Rupesh Dalvi
With help of lines, colours, space, texture and shapes I try to convey my feelings in my painting. Instead of drawing a line I paint it. Instead of using same kind of textures, i am always in search of new textures. Same way I always make n attempt to use unknown, unseen color in my painting. Spontaneity is another very important aspect for me. For me what I spontaneously create, becomes portrayal of my thoughts on canvas.

Pradyyumna Jivane
Painting for me is one kind of volume which is made by elements like brush, colour and canvas which emits some kind of vibrations. I am one of the element present in this whole process and, it leads me to myself and my nature. In this process forms and shapes that start appearing are directly related to me. Whether these form resemble nature or not, but it either becomes definition of me and my painting or thought of a painting. When I am with myself I try to find myself, ask questions to myself and myself answer them… in this journey I perceived a thought, and this sensitivity and sensibility of thought are me and my painting. Rest are colours, lines, shapes are part of nature, which I graspe form nature inside me and portray myself and my nature on canvas.

Swapnil Kshirsagar
According to my study and observation just creating texture in a painting cannot be called as abstract. Abstract for me is where I try to express a thought, and to what extent I can accurately depict it. And this expression is provoked through colors, lines, shape, and texture. Abstract is never accidental, but an attempt to experiment in a space that leads you to yourself and become your own painting, gradually you do not need any specific line or a specific color it just takes you to your painting.