Monday 8 April 2019

Manifesto of Tathi Premchand Solo show at Nippon Gallery Fort Bombay

Press Release
 My Paintings gain life after their sale; else they lie dead in my studio.

My paintings are not showpieces. You cannot decorate your drawing room to make it look beautiful, but you can decorate your mind with it to make your body beautiful.

Most of my time is spent in traveling by local trains in Mumbai. I prefer it to any other mode of traveling. It is the institute for me. Thousands of minds brush with each other every single moment. People have their own news, views, opinions, reactions, sometimes resulting in mass appeal. I can view the emotional and practical reaction of the fellow citizens by interacting with them and I think they are all creative minds and provide lot of essence to my creation. I see a person trading in vegetables or scraps has more perfect knowledge of economics and politics of the world. He doesn't need a degree or big fat books to update his knowledge, the everyday struggle is guide for him. That's something different which you find only in local trains. It also represents mini India with its clashes and unity projected from time to time. People converse and argue as if discussing the issue in the world conference.

Variation is but natural in my paintings. Just as Heraclitus had rightly said, 'It is not possible to step twice in the same river.' My paintings too are most spontaneous expressions rather than well planned process so you will always find variety in the work. Every work has different appeal and presentation method, setting different moods with use of topic relevant colors, forms and style. Painting is not just passion for me, it is a part of my life. I paint when I get stimulated to do so. There are times when for days together I do not paint at all.
I gradually was introduced to Galileo, Heraclitus, Osho, Mirza Galib, Kabir, and Lao Tuz and their lives. Their philosophies have greater impact on my work and my self being. Pablo Picasso is great artist, I worked as a volunteer for one month in NGMA, Mumbai because of passion for Pablo Picasso, during his paintings exhibition, just to be close to his art work. Though his work has good impact on my life, but it does not influence my work.
I cannot even follow foot step of my own work

More about artist and his Artworks

Pankaja JK

We open our second exhibition for the year with MANIFESTO of TATHI PREMCHAND on April 9th. This will be Tathi Premchand's second solo exhibition with Nippon, his first solo show being in 2005

Preview: 9th April 2019

6pm to 10.30 pm
Date : 10th to 20th April 2019

12 pm to 8pm
We are on open Sunday * Holidays as per appointments.
30/32, 2nd Floor, Deval Chambers,Nanabhai Lane, Flora Fountain, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Tel:022 6633 3997 / Email:

Friday 5 April 2019


Contemporary Art Space
Nippon Gallery
30/32, 2nd Floor, Deval Chambers,Nanabhai Lane, Flora Fountain, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.Tel: 022 6633 3997

Saturday 9 March 2019

Incantation of Sensations - An Exhibition Of Paintings By Ashok Namdeo Hinge

Visual elements like cosmic shapes, light, color, texture, composition combine to form a frequency of visual sensations & the tranquil form of this schematic universal repetitiveness is art. This experience of art: 'Incantation of Sensations' is expressed in Ashok Hinge’s exhibit.

Ashok has done his education in fine arts and through lines, shapes, colors, texture, he created his own visual language to communicate.

The combined visual experience of visual elements living again & again through the senses of time, affects the awareness & becomes an important part of the subconscious taking us into a trance of tranquility. While experiencing this trance in a conscious state, it is the artwork’s space that creates a portal of trance taking art lovers, creators & curators beyond art, form, texture & structure into the world of tranquility.

A part of Ashok's art is cosmic while the other aspect is purely structural, where colors live in the form of light to enlighten the existence of art. This view prefix is reflected in Ashok’s style here.

“Repetition” is a primal phenomenon of nature. In an infinite world of colours, shapes & forms this characteristic is repeatedly applied in Ashok's art distinctly, keeping the chaos created by the elements of art in control. Everybody loves this experience of trance & in order to implant & feel this celestial state of mind, we created “The Art”.
Any kind of repetition induces loss of consciousness, and awareness of this fact summons a trance. Keeping this visual experience intact, Ashok’s art reflects an identical if not exemplary feeling. At the crescendo of this picture universe, an illusory vision is extracted with a trance like emotion, leaving behind an exacting visual.

Intricate & fine lines unite to form, a new shapely schematic creation, wherein basic shape amalgamate with new ones, rendering a sane sense of cosmic infinity. Similarly, shape and its corollaries change the basic definition of shape and structure formation in turn reflecting the identity of a particular texture of time. Creating a visual experience incorporating movements, speed & impulse; Ashok’s style personifies organic geometry enabling space, shapes & light to form a visual trinity. His crystal imagery invokes a feeling of being at the crest of a musical symphony.

Ashok Namdeo Hinge

at Jehangir Art Gallery - No. 4
Date: 18th March to 24th March 2019  I  Time: 11am to 7pm

'संवेदनांची आवर्तने'

अशोक हिंगे यांच्या चित्रांचे जहांगीर आर्ट गॅलरी - ४ मध्ये प्रदर्शन.
१८ मार्च ते २४ मार्च २०१९.  सकाळी ११ ते संध्याकाळी ७ वाजेपर्यंत.

           चित्र अवकाशातील आकार, प्रकाशरंग, पोत, रचना या दृश्यघटकांच्या आधारे दृश्यजाणिवांच्या संवेदनांची आवृत्ती, पुनरावृत्तीच्या दृश्यरूप रचनाबंधाचे अवकाशीय 'स्थिररूप' म्हणजे चित्र. त्या चित्रातील 'संवेदनांची आवर्तने' हे अशोक हिंगे यांच्या चित्ररूप दृश्यभाषेचे सकृतदर्शन होय. तथाकथित कलाशिक्षणाचा भाग अशोक यांनी अभ्यासला असून रेषा, आकार, रंग पोत या आधारे चित्र रचना निर्मिती करून दृकसंवाद साधू पाहतात.

        दृश्य घटकांचा  एकत्रित सम्पूर्ण दृक अनुभव, हा मानवाच्या एकंदरीत इंद्रिय दृश्य अनुभवाच्या संदर्भात पाहतांना, दृश्य जाणिवेचा अनुभव हा संवेदन ज्ञान ग्रहणाच्या विशिष्ठ काळातील मानवीय नेणिवांच्या संचिताचा महत्वपूर्ण भाग होताना दिसतो. तो नेणिवांचा भाग अनुभवताना, अनुभवाचे भान ठेवून अनुभवल्यास. प्रत्येक कला - कृती (चित्र) हे फक्त दृश्यसंदर्भ अर्थासाठीच चित्र म्हणून महत्वपूर्ण ठरते. तेव्हा चित्र -शिल्प यांचे अवकाश किंवा पृष्ठभाग हा दृश्य नेणीवेच्या अवकाशात येण्या - जाण्याचा दृश्यमार्ग म्हणूनच राहतो. तेथूनच नेमकेपणानं कलारसिक प्रेषक आणि सृजनकर्ता प्रवेश करतो. तेव्हा एखादी अवस्था, कला, चित्र, वस्तु - वास्तु ही निमित्त मात्र राहते. तेथेच कलेचा अनुभव येतो.

        अशोक यांच्या चित्रांचे एक अंग अवकाशीय आहे, तर दुसरे अंग हे आकारीक आहे. रंग हा घटक अवकाश आकार संदर्भात आस्तित्वाच्या प्रकाशिय रुपात वावरतो. हा दृश्य प्रत्यय त्यांच्या चित्रांतून दिसून येतो.

        पुनरावृत्ती ही एक आदिम नैसर्गिक घटना आहे. ती अशोक यांच्या चित्रांची ही  प्रकृती आहे. तरीही चित्रातील आकार, घाट, स्वतंत्र राहातात. यांचा प्रत्यय प्रत्येकाला येतो. यांचे भान यावे म्हणून मानवाने चित्र, शिल्प, संगीत . चे सृजन केले आहे.

        कोणतीही पुनरावृत्ती ही बेहोशी (unconsciousness) आणते. यांचे भान (awarenss) ठेवल्यास मदहोशी प्रकट होते. याच दृश्य अनुभवाचे भान ठेवून, अशोक यांची  चित्र पाहिल्यास त्यांच्या चित्रांतून तसा प्रत्यय येतो. तेव्हा सम्पूर्ण चित्र अवकाशात भासमय दृश्य मदहोश पूर्ण भावात व्यक्त होताना जाणवू लागते. तिथेच जे फक्त उरते ते केवलदृश्य होय.

        त्यांच्या चित्रांतील छोट्या नाजूक रेषात्मक आकार एकत्र येवून, त्यातून नवीन आकारीक रचनाबंध निर्माण करतात. तेव्हा मूळ आकार हा नवीन आकार रचनेत सामावून जावून, चित्रांतील अवकाशात अंतराचा भास निर्माण करतात. तसाच मुळ आकाराचा संबंध अथवा संदर्भ हा आकारीकतेचा मुलार्थ बदलवून पोत रचनेच्या एका विशिष्ठ काळाच्या जाणिवेचा दृश्य बोध करून देतो. चित्रांतील हालचाल, वेग, आवेग, जैविक भूमीतीचा दृश्यभास निर्माण करतात. त्यामुळे अवकाश, आकार, प्रकाश या त्रयीच्या संयोगातून दृश्यसृजन होताना दिसते. म्हणून अशोक यांच्या चित्रांत तरल पारदर्शी दृश्य संगीताचा प्रत्यय आल्यावाचून राहत नाही.
        'कला' ही बहुआयामी असून तिचे 'रूप' एक आहे.

कलेची कृती कलाकृती (चित्र) नेहमी काळाच्या कलेत अनेक पुनरावृत्तीच्या रुपातच स्वतंत्रपणे व्यक्त होत राहते.

हंसोज्ञेय तांबे.
hansodnya @

Nuru Karim, Founder & Design Principal Nudes

NUDE Models

Nuru Karim

About the Architect / Artist

Nuru Karim, Founder & Design Principal Nudes received his Masters in Architecture and Urban-ism from the Architectural Association [AADRL] London, United Kingdom in 2006. He has worked for Zaha Hadid Architects, London in 2005-06. His undergraduate studies include travel and education in the cities of Mumbai, Montreal and London. Nudes operates within the realm of cross-disciplinary cultures of public-art, architecture-urbanism and design optimisation powered by digital “making” tools addressing larger networks of social, cultural and environmental. 

Previous Art-Works by Nuru Karim

1.      Titled “Machining Sound” - Visa Relative – Curated by Bose Krishnamachari 2008, Bodhi Gallery
2.      Public Art / Installation : “Charkha” commissioned by Tata Steel, Mumbai (completed) 2010
3.      Pop-Up pavilion : Woven Thread Pavilion 2014, Mumbai
4.      Public Art / Installation : “Rath” commissioned by Tata Steel, Bhubaneshwar (completed) 2019
5.      Pop-up Pavilion for Mercedes Benz, Mumbai curated by Architectural Digest 2017
6.      “Bare Foot Pavilion”, Goa in collaboration with Artist Sudarshan Shetty 2017
7.      Pop-Up Pavilion “Noah’s Ark” – Cardboard Installation 2017
8.      26/11 Memorial commissioned by Tata Steel 2019-2020, Mumbai

NUDE Modelsis a series of  design research conducted, exploring systems in nature deploying advanced methods in design, computation and fabrication. Experimentation striving towards innovation is the central pedagogoical and cultural agenda of the art/architectural studio Nudes, founded by Nuru Karim. Nudes operates within the realm of cross-disciplinary cultures of public-art, architecture-urbanism and design optimisation powered by digital “making” tools addressing larger networks of social, cultural and environmental. 

NUDE Models explores systems innature/biomimetics, evolutionary computational design and digital fabrication processes which encourages the human body to explore space and time through a series of scales and physical constructs.These spaces test and titillate the sensory modes of human perception and experience thereby orchestrating avenues for discovery, surprise, provocation, rebellion and dialogue. The “models” argue for new forms of interaction between humans and three dimensional space triggered by design systems inherent in nature. These investigations range from exploring sine geometries inherent in ocean waves, topological mathematical surfaces  and pattern formations in nature.
These models / prototypes operate at varied scales and constructs ranging from skins, scuplture and spatial installations and are conscious of the human gaze set upon them thereby encouraging interaction and dialogue at a variety of scales. These models focus on the production of “art” as design research in the realm of object making, sculpture, public-art, installations, site-context, space, performance and sound powered by the digital.
Nude models are stripped bare to reveal the true nature of "code" and "production" processes that invites the viewer to cast their gaze on spatial hierarchies that blur traditional boundaries between art, sculpture, installation-art and architecture.

-Nuru Karim

Medium : Materials & Digital Tool Kit

1.      PLA
2.      PVC
3.      MDF
4.      Cardboard
5.      Solid Surfaces
6.      Acrylic
7.      Paper
8.      Fibre Reinforced Plastic
9.      Cast Concrete
10.  ABS

Digital Tool Kit
1.      3D FDM printers
2.      CNC cutters
3.      Laser cutters
4.      Injection Molding
5.      Vaccum forming

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 P R I Y A S R I  A R T G A L L E R Y
42 Madhuli
4th Floor
Shiv Sagar Estate
Next to Poonam Chamber
Dr Annie Besant Road
Mumbai 400018
Tel/Fax 022 24947673
+91 9323582303,,

AQ@Priyasri-The Artist Studio
10th Floor, Ramakrishna Chambers,
Productivity Road, Alkapuri. Vadodara 390007. Tel 0265 2333587 ; 2320053

Apnavi Makanji’s solo exhibition at TARQ.

It is with great pleasure that I write to you about our next exhibition Soil as witness | Memory as wound— Apnavi Makanji’s solo exhibition at TARQ. 

In this exhibition, Makanji presents a series of installations that use a variety of site specific soil as their core medium.The exhibition also includes several watercolour works, and revolves around ideas of memory and home, with a broader horizon that touches migration, identity and human constructs of nature. Please find attached the press release and invite for the show. It would be wonderful to have you join us for the preview which will be at TARQ on Thursday, March 14, 6.30 pm onward. 

A few select works that will be part of the exhibition can be viewed by clicking hereIf you do want particular images in high resolution, let me know, and I will send them across as soon as possible.

In case you need further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, and if you're in town, I hope to see you at the preview!