Tuesday 25 April 2017

Art from Pakistan : Revival of the fittest - Quddus Mirza

A group exhibition of recent graduates at O Art Space, Lahore who attempt to expand their visual vocabulary and formal concerns

Hamid Ali Hanbhi: The Colours Of Paradise-2

What next? This short phrase becomes a long, unbearable sentence for the recent graduates of visual arts. Four years spent at an art institution provide a sense of security, satisfaction and self-confidence that fades as soon as the students leave their alma mater.

The world beyond art schools or the real world is different, difficult. Dealing with galleries, buyers, critics and hoping for curators’ attention are arduous but necessary tasks in order to make a name within the art circles. Many disappear with the dust of time, and a few manage to make their mark. Politeness, connections and school-of-thought matter but, more than that, it is the newness, originality and excellence of an artwork that ensures their future survival.

We are witnessing that stage in the lives of some artists, especially in the group show ‘Beyond Today’ that included Ahsan Javaid, Ehsan Memon, Hamid Ali Hanbhi, Syed Hussain, Unab Sumble and Usman Khalid. The exhibition held from March 31-April 14, 2017 at O Art Space, Lahore offered something important than art: a drive and desire beyond the protective membrane of an art institute. The fact that these artists who graduated from the NCA and the Punjab University not long ago have been working regularly, and exhibiting frequently is appreciated, but it is their attempt to expand their visual vocabulary and formal concerns that is more crucial and significant.

Ahsan Javaid: General Rule.
Actually for a recent art graduate, the real challenge is to maintain a balance between his identity formulated in his graduate work and the need to produce something new. Somehow, the artists in ‘Beyond Today’ found interesting solutions.

Hamid Ali Hanbhi astonished the viewers last year due to his remarkable skill in rendering stills from movies with English subtitles along with a conceptual sophistication through joining two visuals to make a single narrative. In the present exhibition, he kept his craft and observation intact and moved away from his previous imagery. Here a large canvas is composed of (Afghan) burka-clad figures in varying hues, which also remind of Chinese artist Fang Li-jun, who paints identical faces with smiles that verge to grimace. (His, and several other Chinese artists’ choice of making identical features could relate to the way outside world perceives all Chinese people as uniform, as well as the boom of Chinese industry that has spread cheap and affordable ‘similar’ products across the globe).

In the context of our situation, a woman in a burka that completely conceals her identity is like someone without any features. So Hanbhi’s canvas with burka heads of same size, yet in varying shades alludes to how the real personality and character of a female is jeopardised once hidden underneath that attire. The shift of colours suggests the way society or male eye views the change when it comes to women is merely cosmetic and superficial.

Unab Sumble: Profound Reflection-2.
Ehsan Memon: Girah-1.
This issue of diffused identity is also addressed in the work of Syed Hussain, a painter trained in the discipline of miniature (2015) and belongs to the Hazara community from Quetta. In one work, the meticulously rendered drawing of three figures — looking like a black and white photograph — the central character is blank. Likewise, in two other small works, one sees yellow surfaces with portrait of two individuals. Each resembling some kind of picture identity card (even though the execution reinforced that it is a ‘drawing’), since these have official stamps, letterings in Chinese and Hindi, and a number of signatures, all alluding to the remains of those who were lost due to natural causes or for political reasons. In fact the issue of ‘disappearing’ is different for a member of the Hazara Shiite community who if not kidnapped has to shield his face, since the features betray his sect, hence making him an easy target. Religious sects out to exterminate each other is an aftermath of General Zia’s military dictatorship that perpetuated religious differences within the Muslim population of Pakistan. Ahsan Javed in his painting composed the folded posters of General Zia, so one is able to discern the outline of his face and traces of his army uniform. The work serves to connect the present with the past, but more importantly it added a major point in the artist’s imagery. Javed painted folded drapes of different draperies including those with scared texts and for sale outside of shrines (2016) but in his recent work, using the same strategy, he points to the essence/cause of culture instead of its mere outcome.

Another artist, a former class fellow of Javed and Hanbhi, Ehsan Memon made a dark shape of a roti along with a composite image of multiple sections of a naan completed in black and grey. Only if a person still remembers his immaculately fabricated breads, he would be able to connect current works on paper to his past pieces, but failing that, these appear more like exercises in tonal separation.

Probably the problem lies with the artist’s association rather bondage with his pictorial matter. During his degree show (2016) Javed was replicating reality into art in such a way that one was unable to distinguish between the two. A formal concern in the art of 1960s but in our local circumstances the choice of continuing as artist or opting for another profession is as crucial as the academic debates about the distinction between art and life.

However, in the current exhibition that frame of reference (previously seen in his cardboard box, bars of wood, collection of coal) is lost because now it is the outcome — the roti which assumes the main point of interest — more being a decorative device than a deeper concern to reflect upon reality.

Often our conceptual concerns are deep inside us, like our veins and arteries, without us being aware of them, yet performing their tasks. The work of Unab Sumble indicates the scheme in which an artist blends diverse pictorial expressions for concocting a narrative about one’s existence. Normally an artist adopts one peculiar language and continues expounding in it, but it is rare that he or she inculcates multiple modes of descriptions into one work in order to formulate a narrative that depicts our situation and state.

Sumble combines naturalistic depiction with selective application of patches of colour to create visuals which affirm that what an artist is making is not a replication of his immediate optic response, but his idea of reality with its varying dimensions — initiating from personal observation to art history.

Thursday 16 March 2017

PIN POSTER : Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, CSMVS

We would like to invite you to “Short Distances and Definite Places: A Brief Look at the Life and Work of William Gedney", the first event of the new exhibition that has just opened at the Jehangir Nicholson Gallery, CSMVS. Guest Curators Margaret Sartor and Shanay Jhaveri will do a walkthrough of the exhibition on the 14th of March at 6 pm, providing us with an overview of Gedney’s life and work.

Widely acclaimed as one of the key figures of American black and white street photography, Gedney’s work deserves to be shared with a wider audience especially the in-depth work he carried out in India. Gedney in India that has recently opened to the public as part of the Focus Photography Festival hopes to do just that.

Please do join us on the 14th of March at 6 pm. Tea will be served at 5.30 pm


PIN POSTER : Santiniketan : Kolkata

Monday 27 February 2017

‘Living Lines at 360⁰’by Ashok Hinge Mumbai Artist

This series of paintings ‘Living Lines at 360⁰’ is an extension and elaboration of Ashok Hinge’s earlier series ‘Living Lines’. It is a thoughtful progress in the earlier developed concept of painting common man and society work.

The concept at 360⁰ is nothing but artist’s broadened experience of the world around him. It is a meticulous observation that has now intensified, with understanding and knowing the core nature, behavior, body language and approach of all types of people  in the society.

In the process of his observation and development of this concept he has simplified the human form, as he finds and states “We are nothing but geometric figures only”. This simplification also has profundity of each painted or sketched character. Importantly, he has sublimated his characters, and this is a splendid progress. Hinge’s paintings exemplify the similarity in character that can be found in different people wherever we go; just like the artist finds them around 360⁰. Paintings also create sensation in the viewers that at least one of them is based on their own character. The artist is projecting the sweat of people, through the dripping white colour to indicate hard work for success. Though this series, Hinge has showcased subjects like family bonding, gathering, celebration, union of friends & crowded market places which create rhythmic movements in the paintings. So the visual effects of the simplified images not only seem ‘attractive to the eyes’ but also ‘strikes the mind’. 

Recent work by Ashok Hinge- Mumbai

One more development that we see in this series is: the use of colours. Now, instead of restricting to painting and sketching black and white figures, the artist has experimented with various mediums, like - ink, acrylic and water colours.  He is instigated to use colours in this series because, with times, he has realized that every personality is unique in its behavior and approach and he has highlighted it through the use of colours to bring it to your notice. Every colour speaks of the body language and psyche of the character in each image. Even the crowd of people and their mental state can be read from the sketches and the colours used. Interestingly, black and white attracted our attention to the concept of common man in society and now the addition of colours makes us read the image as individual characters. 

Those who have been following Ashok Hinge and his creation would certainly feel the ‘Freudian instinct’ foraying in him.
The exhibition is not only going to be a visual treat but a speculation of an observational excursion of artist’s mind. Let us visit and get intellectually nourished by giving a thought to the manner in which the artist cultivates his idea and elegances in his paintings to make them more enthraling.

The exhibition will be held at
Nehru Centre Art Gallery (Circular) - Discovery Of India Building, Ground Floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400018,
From: 7th March to 13th March 2017
Between: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m
Contact: 9930103369/ 9960586014

PIN POSTER : Nehru Centre Art Gallery : Mumbai

Tuesday 7 February 2017

"Bombay Black" Clark House exhibition kalaghoda art festival jehangir Art gallery 7-12 February 2017

Bombay Black occurs around the time of the Kala Ghoda festival where the disappearance of a man mounted on a horse now calls for reason to have an art festival. The square is called Kala Ghoda, though the legendary back horse now lives in the quiet communes of the Bombay Zoo. The myth of the Black Horse instigates the idea of the city of Bombay and its relationship to the colour black , where through an exhibition we construct the many lines of aesthetic and social folklores that exist around colour.

curated by Sumesh Sharma and Yogesh Barve , Clark House Initiative . Exhibition Designer Sanjay Londhe

Thursday 2 February 2017

Minutes of the Meeting | Garima Gupta Solo| Art Night Thursday Clark House Bombay

Minutes of the Meeting | Garima Gupta

Solo| Art Night Thursday

Clark House Bombay

Minutes of the meeting is a documentation of my travels from Jakarta to New Guinea, looking at Birds of Paradise as more than just an exotic curio that adorned the Cabinets of Curiosities across Europe. The drawings and short films trace the ebb and flow of ecological destruction surrounding the species in the South-East Asian and Western Pacific region.
Starting from the min 16th-century trade of exotic fauna, to being the epicentre of Dutch colonial rule in the 18th century, to today’s palm oil crisis - the birds and animals of the region have been major players in world history. Their unwitting entanglement ranged from their contribution to the spirit of scientific inquiry, right upto today’s insatiable need for food products processed with palm oil. This fascinating and tragic entanglement, often underrepresented, is the story I am sharing from 09th Feb - 08th March 2017 at Clark House Initiative. Do come!

Opening on 09/02 at 6Minutes of the Meeting | Garima Gupta |Solo| Art Night Thursday:30 pm

Walkthroughs on 12/02, 19/02, 26/02 at 5:30 pm and closing on 08/03 at 7:30 pm

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Vanita Gupta : P-12 India Art Fair 2017- Delhi

More to explore with Art Heritage than just Booth B-8. Be at Project Space P12 to experience Vanita Gupta’s "Breathe In, Breathe Out: A Medley in Spatial Registers" which explores the relationship between continuity and rupture, gravity and lightness, and the potentially infinite extension of shape and the concrete finitude of mass.
#IndiaArtFair2017 #ArtHeritage

Sunday 15 January 2017

Pisurwo developed his aesthetic skills by following the contemporary school of abstract art institution.

Jitendra P Suralkar, born in 1977, also known as “Pisurwo”, is an Indian origin artist descending from Kalkheda district in the State of Maharashtra,near Ajanta cave, India. During his course of 6 years, Pisurwo developed his aesthetic skills by following the contemporary school of abstract art institution. he handled subjects Yakshya-Yakshini, triangle,king and queens,ramayana- Mahabharata period,lady godia,last supper and other.

(Artist : Pisurwo )

Currently, Pisurwo is showcasing his abstract form of arts into unique masterpieces by portraying multiple human behaviors in his expressive artwork theme titled: King and His Six Queens. Behind every masterpiece comes an expression of how the King constantly adapts his behaviors to those of his counterparts. A reason why his themed art gallery projects the different stages and transitions of what the King have become today, according to Pisurwo. Stories cannot be told in narration, however, but can be envisioned on canvas, a reason why Pisurwo reflects human behaviors, characteristics and emotions before the eyes of the beholder.

(Artist : Pisurwo at GalleryChemould -Mumbai )

      Pisurwo done his past exhibition Paris( villa vasillief)- London ( show room)- Sri Lanka (shadow's) - Kuwait (rahem art gallery)-afrika (Dakar biennial) - New York (contemporary biennial)- Dubai (Dubai biennial),Ireland( private space) - India ( chemould Prescott,clark house,kalaghoda festival,jehangir and other places )

Pisurwo done 160 paintings yaksha yakshani year 2006 to 2009

Yakshini (Sanskrit: याक्षिणि, also known as Yakshi and Yakkhini in Pali) are mythical beings of Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain mythology. Yakshini (Yakshi) is the female counterpart of the male Yaksha, and they are attendees of Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth who rules in the mythical Himalayan kingdom of Alaka. They are the guardians of the treasure hidden in the earth and resemble fairies. Yakshinis are often depicted as beautiful and voluptuous, with wide hips, narrow waists, broad shoulders, and exaggerated, spherical breasts. In Uddamareshvara Tantra, thirty-six Yakshinis are described, including their mantras and ritual prescriptions. A similar list of Yakshas and Yakshinis are given in the Tantraraja Tantra, where it says that these beings are givers of whatever is desired. Although Yakshinis are usually benevolent, there are also yakshinis with malevolent characteristics in Indian folklore.

36 Yakshinis   

The list of thirty six yakshinis given in the Uddamareshvara Tantra is as follows:

A Yakshini. 10th century, Mathura, India. Guimet Museum.
Vichitra (The Lovely One): She bestows all desires.
Vibhrama (Amorous One)
Hamsi (The one with Swan): She reveals the whereabouts of buried treasure, and grants an unguent with which one may see through solid objects.
Bhishani (The Terrifying): The ritual is to be performed at the junction of 3 paths. The mantra is to be recited 10,000 times. Camphor and ghee are to be used as the offering. Om Aim Drim Mahamode Bhishani Dram Dram Svaha.
Janaranjika (Delighting Men): She gives great good fortune and happiness.
Vishala (Large Eyed): She gives the alchemical elixir.
Madana (Lustful): She gives a cure-all pill.
Ghanta (Bell): She gives the ability to enchant the world.
Kalakarni (Ears Adorned with Kalas):
Mahabhaya (Greatly Fearful): Protection from disease. She gives freedom from fear and the secret of alchemy, also freeing one from grey hair and signs of old age.
Mahendri (Greatly Powerful): Gives the person the ability to fly and go anywhere.One obtains Patala Siddhi.
Shankhini (Conch Girl ): Fulfilment of any desire.
Chandri (Moon Girl):
Shmashana (Cremation Ground Girl ): She gives treasure, destroys obstacles, and one is able to paralyse folk with a mere glance.
Vatayakshini: She also gives a divine and magical unguent.
Mekhala (Love Girdle):
Vikala: She yields the desired fruit.
Lakshmi (Wealth): She gives Lakshmi Siddhi, the secrets of alchemy, and heavenly treasure.
Malini (Flower Girl ): She gives Khadga Siddhi, which means being able to stop any weapon.
Shatapatrika (100 Flowers ):
Sulochana (Lovely Eyed): She gives Paduka Siddhi, enabling one to travel at great speed through the aethers.
Shobha: The Devi gives the power of full enjoyment and the appearance of great beauty.
Kapalini (Skull Girl): She gives Kapala Siddhi. She gives the power to go anywhere in the aethers in one's sleep, and also to go to any great distance away.
Nati (Actress): The Nati gives hidden treasure, an alchemical unguent, and the power of mantra yoga.
The text states these have already been described.
The text states these have already been described.
Manohara (Fascinating):
Pramoda (Fragrant):
Anuragini (Very Passionate):
Padmini is said to be included in (35) below.
Svarnavati: She gives Anjana Siddhi.
Ratipriya (Fond of Love):