Monday 4 August 2014

‘Water Lily Monsoon Show’ at Art Gate Gallery Mumbai from 6 August 2014.

Art Phoneix with its renowned and potential talented artists are here again to showcase their painting art through their group show Water lily monsoon show by spreading the colors of joy through landscape, abstracts, flora and fauna to paintings of figural objects. The collection by their participant artists will be displayed as ‘Water Lily Monsoon Show’ at Art Gate Gallery Mumbai from 6 August 2014.  Phoenix as the name implies, means person or thing of unsurpassed beauty or excellence. Water lilies bloom in abundance and enthrall by swaying happily. Likewise, the participants in this group appropriately win our heart by presenting phoenix like paintings and merrily united, showcasing their art in group like water lilies. .

Artist : Lalita Lajmi
Lalita Lajmi, the painter needs no introduction. Based more on human psychology her paintings reflect the inner conflicts. She is acclaimed watercolorists of India. Her paintings are dispositions of subtle upheavals that a person goes through. As she paints these feelings in women it brings out the agony and her disturbance is usually in protest of injustice. The gestures often reveal the tensions, open distrust fulness and unwillingness to confide many a times projecting melancholia. But women of her paintings are strong and not meek. They are inspired by Goddess Kali and Durga. Her work seems autobiographical at times as we relate it to her relation with her family. Intervention of various art forms of various dimensions like cinema and classical dance has subtly influenced her work. The artworks seem to speak to the observer and express itself. But Lalita Lajmi prefers the observer to have their own impressions according to their experiences and not judge by her family lineage and personal experiences
Looking at artist M. Kumar’s paintings makes us realize that Nature is indeed an Art or it can also be vice versa. Both are inseparable. It is not possible to experience bliss and happiness by completely ignoring nature. When we are amongst nature, we breathe, touch and feel it by our every sense organ. It ultimately reaches the soul. When we his painting of boats swiftly floating on water; it is not just remains natural and artificial thing in unison but becomes a treat for eyes. And truly it is only for those who relish beauty. His paintings portray his feelings   His work is autobiographical. They reflect his inner desires, he finds himself in different characters either good or bad and he has question weather right or wrong, he attempts to visualize these inner desires on canvas. His work seems have grown with the age, life experiences and maturity of thought. The progression shows that his portrayals have attained simplicity with deep underlying meaning. This is a sign of true artists.

Art work by Baljit Chaddha
Another artist in the group who paints emotions is Baljit Chaddha. Being quiet attached to his family and friends his paintings metaphors the unity and togetherness. He is content with whatever life has offered him and attributes the contribution of his loved ones in it. Most of his work is memorabilia. His paintings are colorful, vibrant flow of energy that keeps life going. There is a rhythm in the myriad forms. His paintings are sheer flow of joy and serenity that are related to human relationships which matters most in ones life. 

Kavya Reddy’s work cannot be categorized in one theme. Her paintings are reflections of her state of mind at a given time and spontaneously transferred on canvas. Love, desires, dreams, hopes are prominent features of her paintings. Women on her canvas portray these feelings. Though academically she has acquired higher degree in technical field of I.T Engineering, she nurtures love for traditional treasure of India and therefore her paintings. Her tender emotions can be felt through the soft muted hues that she uses n her paintings.   

What happens when you have emotional bonding with a particular place? Geographical location? The result is unique as it reflects living beings (including people and other living things) resulting from that particular aura, topography, climate, soil and vegetation. One such passionate artist in Phoneix Art group is Laxypal Rathore. His paintings revolve around the lifestyle of Rajasthan. He is much awed by Camel, only animal adaptable to barren lands of dessert. Like camel his figures have long neck, symbolic of surviving in harsh geographical conditions. There are also figures with long moustaches, even these serve the purpose of protection and security. Rathore’s unique portrayals are very impressive and do look like abnormal beings, but beings with tough physical make to accept the challenges around.

Ambreen Dharamsey’s deep study in Psychology has effect on her creations. The bright and vibrant images expose the psyche of a person and the changes that take place in brain at particular stimulus. Since more based on scientific knowledge her paintings hold attention as a medium to probe into heart and mind of people. There is a similarity between nature and human nature.

Yusuf Arakkal, Seema Kohli, Dr.Amit Rajvansi, Nena Singh,Parameshwar Raju, KKoeli Mukerjee,Shalini tike, Prahlad Sharma, Sanjay Sable,Vinay Trivedi, Rajendra pasalkar, Aashok Divare, Poonam Chopra, SimiSharma, Roshan Barnes, Nilesh Kolekar and artists from Nasik Kala niketan are also participating along with the above artists.

Make your monsoon delightful....

- by Pankaja JK
6th to 12th August :  opening at 6 pm Art gate gallery, Churchgate Mumbai
Art Gate Gallery can be contacted at:022 4213 8855
or emailed at

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Wednesday 30 July 2014

Search for Integrity :It might be loss of zest and helplessness to achieve dreams

Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die,

Life is like a broken-winged bird that can not fly.

                                               - Langston Huges.

This quote aptly applies to artist latest creation. The artist has created and displayed his work after the years of self confinement from artistic expression.
His classic style of expressing the theme by using matchsticks is a treat to eyes and mind piercing as well. Here too, he has shown a male form by using matchsticks in mirror box. The unfulfilled desire to break free or being voluntarily or involuntarily pulled in duties of crass society are the unseen inner conflicts that are symbolically represents by showing a broken winged bird. There is a hope for an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting.  A single wing is made and reflected in mirrored box, which gives the impression of broken wings. It might be loss of zest and helplessness to achieve dreams. 

But Santosh does not aim only to show the disquiet and depression; instead he comes up with more mature and serene thought of attaining inner peace and moral soundness in the chaotic surrounding of the world that he lives in. The recuperating soul is represented by the use of blue color that suggests peace and calmness.

He has deliberately used pointillist coloring style so that the sorrow and peace seems to be integral in its completeness. His work also seems to be influenced by Warli painting art that has series of dots and monochromatic hues.

Artist is ready with his work before take ride to Art Gate Gallery

Abstract art has come far ahead from use of conventional materials of canvas, paper and colors. It is now expressed in installations, digital medium and so on. One of such out of the way is the work of  Santosh, an artist from Mumbai. An art graduate from Sir J. J. School of Arts has a unique medium of expressing his thoughts and that is through using matchsticks on ply.

The basic elements of his paintings are male and female. He uses matchsticks and the geometric forms made by them represent male and female. The horizontal or vertical placement of matchsticks represent male and triangle represents female. These paintings illustrate male and female relationship. He started working using matchsticks right from the days in Art college and the first creation was 'Khajuraho Night' based on the famous Khajuraho temple. He then worked on 'Krishna' his next painting where he showed one male amongst thousands of female. Here he used approximately five thousand five hundred and fifty matchsticks for female form and at the centre was an abstract image of Krishna in ceramics. This was a mixed medium. Even now his paintings are based on mixed medium and he says that from the very beginning he loved to experiment in using various mediums.

His work stands out because, unlike the basic of Abstract art where expression is formless and expressed through colors, he uses very less colors and highlight more on forms, though most of them are geometric figures. This may be because of Prabhakar Barve, the great painter whom he admires for the forms and their placement in his paintings. He also has high regards for Prabhakar Kolte.
One can also find the traces of Warli paintings in his works. He reasons that there is a repetitive form in his paintings because for him repeating the same thing again and again means a total involvement with it which is like a meditation, concentration and ultimate nirvana of the soul. To put in his own words, “Like a Warli painter who depicts his life by drawing it on one background, even I try to portray my life's experiences, influences and curiosities using repetition on a single colored background.”

Art Gate Gallery can be contacted at:022 4213 8855
or emailed at

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Thursday 24 July 2014

Lizard Installation of Drawings by Tathi Premchand.

Tathi Premchand : 

चित्र, साहित्य असो वा शिल्प कलाकाराने आपले सामाजिक भान जपले पाहिजे. समाजात प्रबोधन घडण्यासाठी याच माध्यमाचा अवलंब करणे सोपे ठरते. त्यामुळे तथी प्रेमचंद आणि अशोक हिंगे यांनी आपल्या कलाकृतींच्या माध्यमातून 'कलाभान' जपले आहे. सामान्य माणसाच्या रोजच्या जगण्यातील व्यथा आर्ट इन्स्टॉलेशनमधून मांडल्याने काही क्षण आपल्याला प्रतिबिंब पाहिल्याचा भास होतो, आणि तिथूनच विचारांचे चक्र सुरू होते हेच त्या कलाकाराचे यश आणि प्रबोधनाची नांदी मानली जाते.

काळानुसार माणसाची जडणघडण, वागणूक आणि बाह्यअवतार सर्वच बदलले आहे. याच बदलाच्या दोन्ही बाजू प्रेमचंद यांच्या कलाकृतीतून दिसून येतात. त्यांच्या चित्रांमध्ये मानवी चेहर्‍यामधून जगण्यासाठी धडपडणार्‍या असाहाय्य माणसांचे रेखाटन केले आहे. यामध्ये चिंतनशील आणि निश्‍चल मूड कोठेही दिसत नाही. या चित्रांमधून केवळ दरारा, तणाव, विस्मय, प्रश्न आणि सल दिसत आहे. आपण आपले आयुष्य तीक्ष्ण चाकूच्या टोकावर जगत आहोत. त्यातूनही आपण समाजातील अनेक व्यत्ययांशी संघर्ष करून आपल्या जगण्याचा मार्ग शोधून काढतो. हीच हळवी मूल्ये कागदावर पेन आणि पेन्सिल यांचा समन्वय साधून उतरवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला आहे. प्रेमचंद यांनी विजेच्या बिलावर मानवी कवटीचे चित्र काढले आहे. वीज ही मानवाची गरज असूनही विजेचे दर पुरवल्या गेलेल्या विजेच्या तुलनेत खूप जास्त आहेत, जे मानवाचे शोषण करून त्याचे आयुष्य कमी करत आहेत. सामान्य माणसाच्या जगण्यातील ही व्यथा प्रेमचंद यांनी मांडली आहे.

Lokamt: Marathi 29th July 2014

26th July 4th August : SAVE DATE: ART TALK at 6 pm Art gate gallery, Churchgate Mumbai
Art Gate Gallery can be contacted at:022 4213 8855
or emailed at

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Wednesday 23 July 2014

Ashok Hinge ‘Guru-Shishya’ installation work on review by Pankaja JK

‘Guru-Shishya’ installation as name suggests, is an installation that has well-known reality imbibed in it. It’s about Guru-Shishya (Master-Disciple) relationship which every individual experiences in his life. I have tried to present an ancient tradition of imparting and gaining knowledge where a master would secure higher position and a disciple would sit down and bow on his feet. These postures are symbolic suggesting that the knowledge would transcend from Guru to his devout disciple. This position also develops the relationship between guru and disciple. The vibrant energy of guru is transmitted in shishya and it ignites wisdom of knowledge in him It is the ‘Responsibility (of guru)- Dependency (of disciple)’ relationship. 
Installation Artist Ashok Hinge
This is a subtle relationship in which guru and shishya become one as a family. But this family is not based on blood-relationship, instead it is based on the particular knowledge that a guru imparts and shishya gains. So it is a family of Knowledge. It is not involuntary involvement but voluntary acceptance of relationship. 

The faith plays an important role in it. Guru is supposed to have highest knowledge and shishya should have wisdom to acquire that knowledge and utilize on individual level. 

Installation view at Art Gate Gallery
To present the Guru-Shishya tradition I have used the most effective tool of English language i.e. Comma. Comma is used in English language to have pause between sentence or to separate elements in series. It is the only punctuation mark which has upside down and vice versa position.

 I have used both positions in my installation as it makes my symbolic representation perfect. The ‘right to left’ facing comma is Guru in sitting posture and ‘left to right’ facing comma is Shishya bowing in reverence and touching his feet, which ultimately helps divine energy of guru to transcend in Shishya. 
I choose the white color for installation and it is deliberate. In Guru- Shishya parampara(tradition), both of them generally  wore white as a symbol of purity and devoid of any blemish. It’s with purity of heart and mind that knowledge is transmitted by guru to shishya.  

  Pankaja JK
 Art critic & writer:- Art blogazine 2014

26th July 4th August : SAVE DATE: ART TALK at 6 pm Art gate gallery, churchgate Mumbai
Art Gate Gallery can be contacted at:022 4213 8855
or emailed at

(Note : This PRESS RELEASE for all Indian news paper and Media, leading PR Agency  and online social media, please share )

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Lizard Installation of Drawings by Tathi Premchand.

Art is the visual history of a given period. Nature is evident and apparently beautiful. Man progressed and steadily brought change in its appearance; bringing in more man-made materialistic things. Artists of every age with realistic outlook always capture these changes. Some are figurative and some abstract. My interaction with nature as well as reality of urban people has led me to create these drawings, portraying the truth of contemporary scenario. Every work has different appeal and presentation method, setting different moods with use of topic relevant colors, forms and style. 
Recent Drawing by Tathi Premchand at Art Gate Gallery

I create these drawings because I am more sensitive towards societal issues. I like to paint social issues and causes and make a critical statement through my work. With times, lifestyle, infrastructure of the society and more over behavior and outlook have changed, I try to showcase that change- either good or bad or say, two sides of the same coin. I like to be binocular and scan society at the farthest.

In these webbed drawings are hidden faces of people with many shades of struggle for survival. No where is meditative and tranquil mood. There is awe, stress, astonishment, question remorse and so on.

 The knife edge is what that we advance on. We are ripped with the sharp tip everyday. Still we find our path through it. These struggles and enwrapping due to social disruption have their own attractive token; a sentimental value. I have worked with pencil and pen on paper.

In Drawing I deliberately painted skeleton on Electricity bill. Having basic needed  things include electricity, but the charges are too high; the power is less as compared to powerful bills and that is killing people, reducing them to skeletons.

William Kentridge : David Hockney
The two most influential artists whom I admire are William Kentridge. David Hockney  is always a third party observer putting the reality on paper using pen drawing. William Kentridge uses scribbled papers for his expression of reality. I feel this is an effective medium as it makes drawings more worth and iconic.

This series has various lines combines with styled circles, a white or black spots, hiding the emotional facial gesture of the person. I have captured the complexity using basic tools and in completely freehand manner.  

Titles also play prominent role in my creations. A word or two speaks all. I have pasted my drawings on cardboard boxes and let them be on wall. I call this series ‘Lizard’, as I am awed by its most unique feature to stick to the wall. Just like it pathos and poignancy that never leave us.

And as I adamantly state, “My paintings are not just show pieces to decorate walls, but are the thoughts to be pondered upon.”

- Tathi Premchand

Translation by Pankaja JK 

(Note : This PRESS RELEASE for all Indian news paper and Media, leading PR Agency  and online social media

‘Visual Archives of Kulwant Roy’, curated by Aditya Arya, on 1st August 2014 at 6 PM at the NGMA Mumbai.

National Gallery of Modern Art, Delhi and Mumbai, Ministry of Culture Government of India and India Photo Archive Foundation cordially invite you for inauguration of exhibition titled- 

 ‘Visual Archives of Kulwant Roy’,

This exhibition presents a historical visual treat, from the priceless collection of photographs taken by press photographer Kulwant Roy’s, prints and negatives. In the process of documenting the rare photographs of Kulwant Roy, Mr. Arya discovered a rare and valuable visual archive, including many unpublished pictures, of a momentous era in India's history which form the part of this exhibition. These priceless images from around the 1940s, which lay hidden for decades, have been brought back to life through the expertise of Mr. Aditya Arya. As a result, we can now gaze into the evocative faces of the valiant women and men who made history in our land six decades ago, all very skilfully captured by Kulwant Roy’s brilliant lens.
Kulwant Roy was born in 1914 in Bagli Kalan, Ludhiana and educated in Lahore. Without any formal training in photography Roy then joined Gopal Chitter Kuteer’s studio in Lahore. He joined the Royal Indian Air Force in Kohat near Quetta in 1941. However, he found it difficult to tolerate the discriminatory policies of the British government, which resulted in his ouster from the air force. By then his experience of taking several aerial photographs from the cockpit of the planes that he used to fly had laid a firm foundation for the shape of things to come. Roy became passionate about photography. As a freelancer in Lahore, he documented several significant political events in Pakistan. Re-locating to Delhi in 1943, Roy started his own agency, the Associated Press Agency in Delhi. It was during these years that Roy captured untiring images of well-known historical events some of which are displayed in this exhibition.

National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai
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